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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Review of How To Pick The Gender of Your Baby By Ashley Spencer

Discover how a woman who has desperately wanted to have a baby girl did it naturally and how she taught thousands of other couples world wide to do so successfully!!!

How to Choose The Gender of Your Baby is an e-book that has been used by hundreds of thousands of couples to effectively choose the gender of their babies. The gender selection methods of this book have been found so effective that even Medical Doctors are vouching for their effectiveness.

The gender selection methods will work for any couple …..

Ø  Irrespective of age.
Ø  Irrespective of regularity or irregularity of menstrual cycle.
Ø  Irrespective of current number of children and their genders.
Ø  Irrespective of medications being currently taken.
Ø  Irrespective of nationality or race.
Ø  Irrespective of whether you are breast feeding or not.

The e-book is a three step course written in simple English that can be easily understood by even a semi- illiterate.

Step 1: Deals with timing and PH levels. This step deals with the short periods when a woman is more likely to conceive a boy or a girl. Conception is therefore dependent upon what a woman’s natural acidity or alkalinity is. If a woman’s PH level is highly acidic, she is more likely to conceive a girl. The high acidity kills off the male (Y Chromosomes) sperms leaving the female (X chromosomes) sperm unaffected. Period of ovulation is therefore critical here, the book will reveal the period of your ovulation.
Step 2: Minor dietary adjustments. Some food stuffs are said to encourage the conception of either a boy or a girl when consumed. The book revealed which snacks and drinks encourages the conception of a boy or a girl when consumed.
Step 3: The best /specific intercourse positions to conceive the baby gender of your choice. The book treats in details the effect of orgasms in the choice of baby gender, the effect of intercourse style/positions in the choice of baby gender and the effect of penetration in the choice of baby gender.

Chapter 1 of the book deals with how any woman can increase her fertility and the science of gender selection.
Chapter 2 of the book deals with how to use simple diet changes to conceive a boy. The chapter also deals with the issue of timing and form of ejaculation to ensure conception of a boy.
Chapter 3 deals with the effect of PH levels and orgasms on conception and choice of baby genders.
Chapter 4 deals with effect of positioning in intercourse on gender selection.
Chapter 5 deals with the role of simultaneous orgasms in selection of child gender.
Chapter 6 deals with the role of sex before and during ovulation in the selection of child gender.
Chapter 7 deals with the role of menstrual cycle, ovulation dates and men’s hyperactivity in the choice of baby gender.
Finally, chapter 8 of the book deals with the conclusion of the book and final review.
In the book you will discover the amazing secrets of how you and your spouse could choose to conceive a baby boy or a baby girl with this highly effective but shockingly simply gender selection method…
                                                  As early as this night.
After reading the book and taking necessary action, you will not need to:

Ø  Take any variation in medications. In point of fact you will not need to any medication to conceive the baby gender of your choice. Everything is natural.
Ø  You will not need to use vaginal douche treatment.
Ø  You will not need to divulge your personal information to anyone.
Ø  You will not need to make endless trips to hospitals to see medical Doctors.   

Drawbacks of the book

Ø  You can only get access to the book through and no other means.
Ø  Being an e-book, you can only read it with your pc or laptop.


Doctor Testimonial:                Click Here For Proof of Authenticity
From: Dr. Michael Smith of the Raleigh, NC Women's Clinic
Dear Ashley,
Just wanted to write you a quick note to congratulate you on your gender selection service. I've lost count of the number of moms that have mentioned you & your method.
I don't know how you do it, but whatever you've figured out sure seems to be working well.
Congrats on providing a great service,

Client Testimonial:                          Click Here For Proof of Authenticity
Hello , my name is Abani Warrier.

My husband and I have 3 wonderful little girls here in beautiful Chicago (Actually just south of Chicago). In 2004, I gave birth to our first son. It always made my day every time I saw my husband hold him, since he always wanted a little boy to raise.

In Spring 2005, we were on our way to a friend’s house for dinner one Saturday evening when someone driving a SUV
Ran a red light. Our 3 month old son passed away that day.

It was the hardest thing to overcome in my entire life, but eventually we were able to accept what happened and move on with our life. In early 2006 I decided that we should try for another precious baby. Specifically a baby boy.

I heard about your method through a friend that I worked with at the time. My husband said it wouldn’t hurt to try your gender selection method, to which I agreed.

Fast forward to November 22, 2006. Our second son, Dylan was born. What an incredible joy! Thank you so much for everything you do!

Thank you from the deepest depth of our hearts!
-Abani Warrier
Chicago, Illinois

Client Testimonial:               
To Ashley Spencer:
                 Click Here For Proof of Authenticity

I hope you are doing good. God knows my wife and I certainly are.

I wanted you to know that when my wife wanted to buy your book I was more than a little bit against it. But she went ahead and bought it and read it the same day.

That was the easy part. Now she had to get me to read it. After pestering me to read for no less than 2 weeks, I finally caved in and read it.

I'm kind of a cynical guy, but I must admit, your method is amazing in its simplicity. After I read it we decided to give your methods a try (this time I didn't put up a fight). I was a little scared of my wife getting her hopes up too high just to be disappointed, since she had been unable to get pregnant since we were married.

Less than a year later our little boy that we’ve been wanting for over five years was born.

Thank you for sharing your methods with us and changing our lives!


Dan Nichols

Little Rock, Arkansas

If you are desirous of learning more about how to choose the gender of your baby CLICK HERE!!!


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