One question often asked worried couples finding it difficult to have the baby gender of their choice is “Can you choose the gender of your child?” Yes you can though not 100%, but at least 90% if the necessary actions required to do so are taken. Whatever your present condition you can actually have the baby gender of your choice – boy or girl. You however need not put yourself under too much pressure because there is help out there and you can discover how to do so depending on whether you want it natural or otherwise.
Should you decide to choose the gender of child naturally, the following factor need to be taken into consideration.
Knowledge of your monthly menstruation cycle is important: The woman should understand her menstrual cycle within a particular month. She should know when it starts and when it ends. With this knowledge you have a higher chance of when to get pregnant. Without the knowledge you have a lower chance of getting pregnant. It is also instructive to know the day the woman ovulates so that the intercourse could be timed accordingly.
Knowledge of the woman’s period of ovulation: Knowledge about the day of ovulation is also very important to the selection of the gender of your child. Within your menstrual cycle you have 5 days within which you are most fertile. Three days before ovulation and a day after ovulation – making 5 days together with the day of ovulation. Armed with this information it becomes easier to know when to get pregnant. As soon as the female ovary releases the eggs it takes only 24 hours within which fertilization takes place. It therefore becomes instructive that a couple should time their sexual intercourse within this ovulation period.
Knowledge of the constitution of the male sperm: The male sperm which fertilizes the eggs released from the female ovary consist of X and Y chromosomes which plays vital role in the selection of baby gender during conception. The X chromosome responsible for selection of the female gender is heavier, slower in movement and could live for between 2 to 3 days before dying. The Y chromosome responsible for the selection of the male gender is lighter, swift in movement and could live for between 12 and 24 hours before dying. Armed with this information, a couple desirous of conceiving a baby girl should therefore time their sexual intercourse to between 2 and 3days before the day of ovulation. That way it is only the X chromosomes that would have survived and will consequently fertilize the eggs released from the female ovary thus making the possibility of the conception of a girl higher. If it is a boy the couple desires, then they could time their sexual intercourse to between 12 and 24 hours before ovulation.
On the other hand if you should decide to choose the gender of your child the other way, two methods could be adopted.
1. Sperm sorting: With scientific advancement it has become easier to sort out the X chromosomes from the Y chromosomes and which ever one desired implanted into the female ovary during ovulation. This process is known as IVF. The desired chromosome could also be used to fertilize the egg and the fertilized egg implanted into the woman through artificial insemination. Both IVF and artificial insemination are however known to be quite expensive. The cost could be as high as $12, 000.
2. Adoption: Another way of choosing the gender of your child could be through adoption. This is mostly in a situation where a couple is having infertility problem. A couple desirous of a son could therefore adopt one. Same in the case of couple who wants a girl. There are however several legal technicalities that will have to be settled before this is made possible.
You should note that other factors like the diet of the couple, the PH level of the male sperm and some other factors play significant roles in the choice of baby gender. If you are desirous of gaining more knowledge on how to choose the gender of your child naturally based on new tips available CLICK HERE!!!
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